
km roadmap section 5 The last phase of a KM programme is that of evaluation. This involves assessment of results against your plans and a set of measures. Many of the approaches simply involve revisiting your initial assessments (the 'before') and updating them (the 'after').

An important aspect is timing. Evaluation is not something simply to be done once at the end of a 2-3 year KM programme. You should also review each project or project stage soon after its completion. You may also do more significant evaluations at key milestones, and in any case annually, typically as part of an annual review of your KM Strategy and as preparatory work for its update and your next annual budgeting round.

In this section we give an overview of some useful evaluation approaches:

But it does not end there. You need constantly to learn from your evaluations and use it to feedback improvements into early parts of the KM lifecycle. Therefore we give an overview of:

Last updated: 19th March 2011


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